Are You Struggling With Any Of These?

Fear, helplessness, hopelessness, despair?

Are you?

You are afraid of how things would eventually turn out to be in this battered economy?

You stare blankly into space because you do not see hope in the horizon?

You are in a situation where all hope is lost and you can't see any reason to smile?

You find yourself at the spot where you are rooted and you can't find help?

Well, I want to let you one thing today

You are not alone

Oh yes, you are not

Out there are millions of people in the same shoes that you are in

People who have nowhere to lay their heads, no food to eat, no clothes to wear, nothing to live for and who feel trapped and lost.

So if it is any consolation at all, then know that you are not alone in this condition

However, out there too are millions of people who have looked these challenges in the face and told them to GO TO HELL.

They have braced all the hardships and the lacks of life and come out smoking victorious because they took their destiny into their own very hands and Providence aided and assisted them along the way.

You can also do the same.


Faith helps us to see that which we have conjectured in our minds and actually have that which we have hungered for.

If you are so hungry for success, to change your story and you have a focus, a vision and a committed zeal, you would verily succeed.

In place of fear, have faith - face your fear squarely
In place of helplessness, have faith - ask God for strength
In place of hopelessness have faith - look unto Him the "Author and Finisher.."
In place of despair, have faith - remember, "no condition is permanent"

Faith and the action you take to bring a change in your situation would surely take you out of the realm of despair to that of "life lived on the active lane"

Give it a try, what do you have to lose anyway?

Remember John Bunyan
"He that is down needs fear no fall
He that is low, no pride
He that is humble ever shall
Have God to be His Guide"

Should you want to talk to someone? Talk to us
We hold your confidence



  1. Sometimes life doesn't smile at us. Sometimes we loose hope of making it in life. But as you said, with faith in God couple with actions, we will be more than conquerors.

    1. Life is a journey of trials and he who wins is he who conquers all

  2. Life has it challenges and it encompasses all categories of human race and status, when we stay focused, we will sumant it. ASOMBA DOMINIC JP

    1. Yes
      staying focused is the key to overcoming life's numerous challenges
      Good to read from you Dom
      keep coming back

  3. What I just needed to read at this point of my life.

    1. This is then God=-sent
      We are happy that it helped make your day

  4. Whatever the situation is the Bible says say to the righteous it is well. The power of the spoken is very apt here. With faith, we shall be more than conqueror over the the wind, storm and tempest pummeling humanity. All shall be well

  5. Very commendable and relevant in this day when men's hearts are failing them. It pays however to know that the only constant thing in life is change. This, too, shall come to pass. It pays to Hang in there and keep trusting on the infallible word of God till the change comes! Thanks Doc for yr sensitivity to the times.

    1. Thus too shall pass
      That has been my slogan many times whene my peace of mind was threatened

  6. I am not alone and I have someone to talk to. Thank you for letting me know this. Grateful

  7. "I am content with what I have,
    Little be it or much,
    Oh Lord, contentment still I strive,
    Because thou savest such." Amen.
    John Bunyan, second verse. May God help us to trust Him with all our hopes because he cares for us. Thank you Sir for your encouragement. God bless you greatly.


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