Come Let's Reason Together

Glory be to God on high, great things He has done for us, for He brought us back from the land of the no man’ s land to the land of the living and we shall forever praise His Holy Name.

I am certainly convinced that what He did for me and my family, He also did for you and yours, and if that is the case, remember to always thank Him.

It is the 3rd day of the 10th month of the year 2015, the beginning of the 4th and last quarter of this year, and in 89 days time, this year would come to a glorious end.

It is time to take stock.
How have your plans for this year fared?
How many of your goals have so far been achieved?

Did your financial projections tally with the timelines assigned to them?
Were you able to introduce another stream of income?
And if so, how is it doing?

How about your personal development, have you invested in yourself this year at all?
How many books have you read?
How many personal development/motivational seminars have you attended?


Is it the same old story?

I tell you that though the year is hastening to an end, yet you can still achieve part of your goals for this year, especially if it has to do with bringing on another stream of income.

We can be of help.

So, come talk to us
Let us work together to realize our goals of making this year better than the last

As I always say, it is good to be alive but don’t just exist, live because when this life is gone, you never can tell what lies on the other side.

Live this life while you still have it. The dead do not praise Jah

Have a very wonderful day

I remain yours sincerely

Dr. Jerry - the First: JP

Medical Consultant/Life Coach/Author/Mentor/Publisher/Plan B Income Promoter/Entrepreneur/Motivational Speaker/Health and Wellness Consultant/Blogger

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, in life we really need each other to live a more fulfilling life
    so come let's talk


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